
Sommaire Under revision

• 2008 Economías vegetales en la costa central peruana, siglos XVI-II AC: aplicación de métodos arqueobotánicos a la comprehension de la explotación del territorio, economía y alimentación precolombinos. Lima: Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos (Trabajos).

• 2007 Early Holocene human adaptation in the Central Andes : what the phytoliths can tell us ? In : Korstanje, A. & Babot, M. eds. Interdisciplinary nuances in phytolith and other microfossil studies. Oxford: Archaeopress, (British Archaeological Reports, International Series).

Sommaire Edited books

• 1999 Des chasseurs-cueilleurs à l’Empire Inka : actes du colloque d’archéologie andine (Genève, 10-11 oct. 1997.). Oxford: Archaeopress. (British Archaeological Reports, International Series ; 746). Chevalier A., Velarde & Chenal-Velarde I., eds.

• 1990 [2 ed. 1991, 3 ed. 1992] Petit Guide du Routard Etudiant. Genève : CUAE.

Sommaire Articles (* peer-reviewed articles)

• *2007 Vegetal economy and territory exploitation in the Lurín Valley (central coast of Peru), between the 7th-2nd centuries. Treballs d’Etnoarqueologia (Barcelona). Chevalier A: & Moutarde F

• 2006 Adaptaciones humanas en los Andes centrales: La contribución de los fitolitos. Amenghiana, 43, 4, p 7R.

• 2005 Human adaptation in the Central Andes: the contribution of phytoltith analysis. The Phytolitharien, 17, 2, pp. 8-9

• *1999 Ethnobotany+Archeobotany=Paleoethnobotany ? Bulletin de la Soc. Suisse des Américanistes, 63, pp. 149-162.

• *1999 Paleomedioambiente y ocupación prehistórica del litoral extremo-sur del Perú. Boletín de Arqueología (PUCP, Lima), 3, pp. 393-416. Lavallée D., Bearez Ph., Chevalier A. & al.

• 1995-96 L’exploitation des plantes sur la côte péruvienne en contexte formatif. Bull. centre. Genevois d’anthrop., 5, pp. 106-108.

• 1995 Les menhirs de Corcelles, district de Grandson. Revue Historique Vaudoise, pp. 410-411.

• 1995 Les menhirs de Corcelles-près-Concise. Archéologie suisse, 18, 2, pp. 53-54.

• 1995 Chronique archéologique : Corcelles-près-Concise. ASSPA, 78, p. 192.

• 1991 ¡1492, Ya Basta! Courants, 70. Genève : CUAE.

Sommaire Book chapters

• 2002 Analysis of an Archaeological Maize Kernel Cache from Pailón (Dept. Sta Cruz, Bolivia). In : Prümers H., Chevalier A., Goesdorf J. & al., eds. Pailón: vorspanische Siedlungen im Depto Sta Cruz, Bolivien.. Mainz am Rhein : Philipp von Zabern, pp. 215-226. (KAVA-Beiträge ; 22).

• 1999 De la pomme de terre à la coca : statut de l’archéobotanique au Pérou et revue critique des données. In : Chevalier A. & al., eds. Des chasseurs-cueilleurs à l’Empire Inka : actes du colloque d’archéologie andine (Genève, 10-11 oct. 1997.). Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 43-61. (British Archaeological Reports , International Series ; 746).

Sommaire Invited lectures

• 2006 Already farmers or still gatherers ? An Early Holocene site in the Central Andes from the phytolith point of view. ARF Brown Bag Series, University of California – Berkeley (27 Sept., 2006).

• 2006 Political economy of three late Formative Peruvian coastal entities: some insights from archaeobotanical data. ARF Brown Bag Series, University of California–Berkeley (8 Feb., 2006).

• 2005 Métodos de la Biología aplicados a la Arqueología: Paleoetnobotánica, carpología, fitolitos y granos de almidón. Universidad Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú (17-24 Oct., 2005).

• 2005 Chilies, peanuts, squashes, beans and maize: human diet, or food for the Gods ? Some insights in pre-Columbian Central Andean economies. Anthropology Brown Bag Series, University of California–Santa Barbara (3 May, 2005).

Sommaire Conference papers

• 2007 Assessing the meaning of wild plants in pre-Columbian agricultural contexts. 30th Annual meeting of the Society for Ethnobiology (Berkeley, 29 March)

• 2007 Multidisciplinary research at Jiskairumoko, a Terminal Archaic-Early Formative village in the southern Lake Titicaca Basin. Institute of Andean Studies Annual Meeting, Berkeley (12 January, 2007). Mark Aldenderfer, Nathan Craig, Alexandre Chevalier, Phyllisa Eisentraut, Claudia Rumold, and Catherine Rigsby.

• 2006 Food Economics of the Lurín Valley during the Late Formative Period: carpological and anthracological data. International Congress of Americanists Sevilla-Spain (19 July, 2006). Symposium Arq-2 “Food economics of the pre-Columbian and Colonial America: Cuisines, techniques, exchanges, and territory exploitation” coordinated by A. Chevalier, Raquel Pique (University of Barcelona-Spain) and Ayllen Capparelli (Dep. of archaeology, Museum of Natural History, La Plata-Argentina). Chevalier A. & Moutarde F.

• 2006 Wild plants in prehistoric archaeological context: assessing their meaning. European Science Foundation, Earth Program Meeting: “The Role of Wild Plants within an Agricultural System: Stability and Balance”. Buldan, Turkey (3 May, 2006).

• 2006 Andean Gatherer strategies of plant exploitation: the phytolith point of view. Institute of Andean Studies Annual Meeting, Berkeley (6 January, 2006).

• 2005 Human adaptation in the Central Central Andean coast: the contribution of phytolith analysis. 2nd Southern Desert Conference: “Human-Environment Interactions in Southern Hemisphere: past, present, and future”. Arica, Chile (12 Oct., 2005).

• 2005 Assessing plant diversity: mathematical formula or cultural choices? European Science Foundation, Earth Program Meeting: “Assessing and interpreting crop diversity” Proaza, Spain (4 June, 2005)

• 2005 Adaptaciones humanas en los Andes centrales: la contribución de los fitolitos. 3rd Third South American Meeting on Phytolith Research, Tafí del Valle, Argentina (17 March, 2005).

• 2005 Changes, introduction, innovation, adaptation: from the Old World to the New World. European Science Foundation, Earth Program Meeting: “The dynamics of non-industrial agriculture: a human-centred approach”. Glasgow, UK (12 March, 2005).

• 2005 Pre-Columbian Territory Exploitations Strategies: the case of the Lurín valley (Peru), Late & Final Formative period. 33rd Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory. Columbia – MO (27 Feb., 2005).

• 2003 The Palaeoethnobotany of Pre-Columbian Peru. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee (April, 2003).

• 2003 The Lurín Valley during the Formative Period. Biennal Meeting of the Swiss Society for Americanists. Bern, Switzerland (14 March, 2003).

• 2000 Vorwort. Biennal Meeting of the Swiss Americanist Society (SSA) “Die Anfänge der Schweizerischen Amerikanistik”. Glarus, Switzerland (13 Oct. 2000).

• 2000 The Archaeobotany of Pre-Columbian Peru : the case of the Lurín Valley during the Formative Period. 50th International Congress of Americanists. Varsovia, Poland (13 July, 2000).

• 1999 Ethnobotanique+Archéobotanique=Paléoethnobotanique ? Biennal Meeting of the Swiss Americanist Society (SSA). Neuchâtel, Switzerland (12 March, 1999).

• 1997 From Potato to Coca : state-of-the-art of Archaeobotany in Peru. ARAPA Colloquium on pre-Columbian Archaeology in Europe. University of Geneva, Switzerland (10 Oct., 1997). Scientific reports

• 2003 Etude archéobotanique du Projet “Pérou-Sud”, campagne 2003. In : Lavallée D & Julien M., dir. Projet Pérou-Sud : rapport 2003. Paris-Lima : Ministères des Affaires Etrangères-CNRS-IFEA, pp. 49-60.

• 2001 Etude archéobotanique du Projet “Pérou-Sud”, campagne 1999-2000. In : Lavallée D & Julien M., dir. Projet Pérou-Sud : rapport 2000-2001. Paris-Lima : Ministères des Affaires Etrangères-CNRS-IFEA, pp. 67-82.

• 1998 Etude archéobotanique du Projet “Pérou-Sud”, campagne 1997-98. In : Lavallée D & Julien M., dir. Projet Pérou-Sud : rapport 1998. Paris-Lima : MAE-CNRS-IFEA, pp. 46-61.

• 1998 Paleoetnobotánica del Callejón de Huaylas, Cordillera Negra (Perú). Specialist report to the Archaeological Project Pierina-Misquilichilca

• 1997 Analyse des macrorestes botaniques de la campagne 1996 du Projet Pérou-Sud.

• 1996 Analyse des macrorestes botaniques de la campagne 1995 du Projet Pérou-Sud.

• 1995 Le site mégalithique de Corcelles-près-Concise. Lausanne : MHAVD.
